Media Exposure & Published Articles

"Forbes 'digital marketing expert' comes to U.P."

Full-length feature - "Business Management and Social Media Expert" Spencer X Smith tells a story from his attorney friend...

Full-length feature - "Digital Marketing Expert" Spencer X Smith suggests - "Instead of trying to convince people to do something, find out where the crowd is going already and ask the person in charge, 'How can I help?'"

"Last week I met a financial advisor at a conference in Boston who shared how he does almost all of his business development on LinkedIn. He finds potential..."

"Are you apathetic about social media as a way to generate business and gain exposure? You aren’t alone. But Spencer X. Smith, a digital marketing expert, says lawyers who aren't using social media should consider..."

"Social media is the greatest mechanism ever invented for those responsible for business development at your firm (called “rainmakers” through the rest of this article) to become known to their target market, and if..."

"A marketing idea that Spencer X. Smith, of Madison, Wis., has remembered since his days of running a band is to find ways to use your existing social media channels to help someone else..."

"...on returning from vacation: Have "at least two high-priority business development opportunities scheduled for right when you get back. Why? Instead of returning to work with a whimper, these meetings will both get you excited AND force you to step up your game immediately. That momentum will carry through the rest of the week."

"Influencers are often under tremendous pressure to drive traffic to their message, so anything you can do to help them do that will be noticed and greatly appreciated."

"Respond to that query ASAP. Reporters are usually on a very tight deadline, and they often get so many responses that they look only at the first few."

"My goal is to take something really hard - digital marketing - and explain it in plain English."

"When scheduling meetings, whether they're in-person, via phone, or Skype, suggest both a specific date and time for the meeting so you can batch your meetings together."
Press/Media Mentions
Entrepreneur Magazine
Entrepreneur Magazine 1
Entrepreneur Magazine 2
Forbes 1
Forbes 2
Forbes 3
Fox News
Podcast interviews
The Entrepreneur Way with Neil Ball
The Influence Insider with Courtney Wesh
May 17, 2016 - Ignite Madison - How Managing My Rock Band Taught Me The Power of Being Naive - Video
March 9, 2016 - PechaKucha International Presentation of the Day - Audio & Slides