When is Spencer X Smith Consulting a good fit?When is Spencer X Smith Consulting a good fit?

What’s difficult about digital marketing? It requires three very different skills

1. Marketing – after you’ve determined your target audience, what problems are you solving? How do you emphasize the benefits? We’ll help you identify your ideal customers and build content to attract them.

2. Sales – how do you identify what prospects will make good customers? How do you qualify them? What do you propose as a solution to their problems? We’ll help you build your company’s sales funnel and maximize your most profitable activities. 

3. Technology – because data is available for literally anything we do online, how do we determine what’s important and what you measure? We’ll show you exactly what to ignore and what to watch with earnest.

We can help with one or all three of these skills to be sure your digital marketing actually generates more revenue. Learn more about Spencer X. Smith and read his bio.

Hiring our firm might not make sense if you have the skills to do this on your own. In fact, you’ll find enough information here on our website to start using these concepts right away. Regardless if you work with us our not, please start using these ideas to teach your customers. We’re committed to doing exactly what we propose you do with your website, and you’ll find our knowledge and expertise freely available here.

Additionally, if your firm currently generates under $500k in annual revenue, we won’t be a good fit. Once you reach that threshold, though, and you can’t simply out-hustle your competition, we need to maximize your leverage with digital marketing.

What does it cost to work Spencer X Smith Consulting?

We follow a three-step process to help you implement Teaching-Based Marketing by –

Spencer X Smith teaching at University of WisconsinStep 1 – Teaching a workshop at your company. Everyone at your company has the necessary knowledge to educate your customers, and it’s critical they all understand why we’re adopting these strategies. A workshop is the way we get everyone on the same page. A two-hour workshop will cover The Summerfest Effect and Teaching-Based Marketing. The third hour adds the Cascading Content Strategy. The cost of the workshop is based on required travel.

Spencer X Smith Recommendation Letter from Thrivent Financial
Read a letter of recommendation from a workshop for Thrivent Financial

Step 2 – Developing your strategic Teaching-Based Marketing plan to determine a successful outcome. Instead of traditional advertising, Teaching-Based Marketing uses data to determine what works well so we can do more of those things. Depending on your growth goals, engagement periods vary in both length and price.

Step 3 – Developing your Teaching-Based Marketing content and writing your eBook. Would you like more qualified prospects to give you their email addresses? We help you develop 8-12 articles and write your first eBook. This eBook is the first step to earn the email address of your potential customers. Why does your business need to write an eBook?

You can also hire Spence to speak at your event or conference without custom consulting services. Spencer X. Smith Consulting is based in Madison, Wisconsin, USA and can be reached at (608) 616-0401.


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