Lesson 1 - Why I created this course

Why I created this course
Duration: 1m 49s
After earning a feature in Forbes, I realized one of the best uses of social media was a complete surprise.
Course Summary: How to use the Social DNA strategy
You work in B2B business development, and you know how important it is to build rapport with the various people with whom you're working. How can you easily "get in" to your prospective customers' minds? How can you gain advantages your competitors can't? By using social media to LISTEN first.
After you've listened to what your prospective customers are sharing, you can use the step-by-step worksheet to help amplify THEIR message. When you help THEM look good by using your social media accounts, they'll want to reciprocate. Your relationships will strengthen over time as you show them that you're not only listening to them, but you're helping spread their message as well.
Downloads/Resources (Click or tap to view)
Forbes article from Feb 17, 2016